Lua FLTK 1.0 review

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Lua FLTK project is a binding of the FLTK widget set to the language Lua. It tries to make the use of FLTK widgets seem natural to

License: LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License)
File size: 0K
Developer: Jay Carlson
0 stars award from

Lua FLTK project is a binding of the FLTK widget set to the language Lua.

It tries to make the use of FLTK widgets seem natural to Lua programmers.

It uses a simple constructor syntax, remaps C++ values onto Lua conventions, and provides direct set/get access to widget properties.

Lua 4.0
tolua 4.0 alpha

What's New in This Release:
Memory management is solid now. Incorrect things will happen if you depend on the values of properties or functions defined to return Fl_Widget*, as they won't be cast back to the proper tolua tag.
flconvert is a tool to convert the UI specification files generated by the "fluid" UI builder to Lua. It's now somewhat out of date; I'm working on a replacement in Lua. Grab it from the 0.9 release if you'd like to play with it.

Lua FLTK 1.0 keywords