MESSyFront 16 review

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MESSyFront is a frontend for the MESS emulator

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 139K
Developer: Mannequin
0 stars award from

MESSyFront is a frontend for the MESS emulator. MESSyFront's main goal of the project is to get the user in to the emulation environment as quickly as possible.

The secondary goal is targetting Tandy Color Computer users that run Linux (or *nix envrionments). As interest grows, other target environments may be added.

GLib 2.10.0
GTK+ 2.8.2

Now untar and compile the package (Enter these from the command line:)

tar -xvzf messyfront-(version)-src.tar.gz
make install
(Make sure that you do the “make install” as root or super user.)

What's New in This Release:
MESSyFront now supports xMESS versions greater than 0.104.
A Python script was added to help execute xMESS.
The program now depends on Python 2.1 (or better) and pyGTK 2.8.x (or better).

MESSyFront 16 keywords