moltiblock 0.10 review
Downloadmoltiblock is a user-space plugin to netfilter for blocking lots of nets
moltiblock is a user-space plugin to netfilter for blocking lots of nets. No need to recompile kernel or patch other sources.
To install just type make. Then copy the binary to /usr/local/sbin or wherever.
Put one CIDR per line in /etc/moltiblock/cidr.deny, like so:
-- snip --
-- snip --
You can probably put comments in there, anything that doesn't look like CIDR till be ignored.
And then, run the daemon.
An' deeeeeen, run something like
iptables -I FORWARD -p tcp --dport 6880:6999 -j QUEUE
What's New in This Release:
First (hacky) version (0.10)
moltiblock 0.10 keywords