moodss 21.5 review
DownloadMoodss is a graphical monitoring application
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Moodss is a graphical monitoring application. moodss is modular so that the code accessing the monitored objects is completely separate from the application core. The core takes care of managing modules (loading and unloading), displaying modules data through sortable tables and diverse graphical viewers, handling user set threshold conditions with email alerts, recording and browsing data history from a database.
The graphical user interface is complete with context sensitive help (through balloons and a message area) and features a thorough and very intuitive drag'n'drop scheme for ease of operation.
Finally, dashboards created with moodss can also be used by the companion moomps daemon, for storing module data cells history over time in a database (MySQL, PostgreSQL, DB2 and ODBC compatible), thresholds and UNIX syslog monitoring in the background.
Here are some key features of "moodss":
modular architecture: any number of modules can be loaded to monitor any sort of data (system, database (MySQL), network, hardware, ...)
user friendly graphical interface with full drag'n'drop functionality and complete context sensitive help
powerful threshold functionality: no limits on the number of thresholds, email alerts with screenshots and multiple SMTP servers, user defined scripts, importance level compatible with the UNIX syslog facility
dashboards can be constructed from any number of modules, with graphical viewers (graphs, bar charts, pies, ...) and thresholds easily created by drag'n'drop, all saved in a loadable file
specific modules can easily be developed using a scripting language (Tcl, Perl or Python) or in C
saved dashboards are fully compatible with the associated moomps daemon for background monitoring
any number of data cells history over time can be recorded, in a SQL database, so that, for example, graphs and presentations can be made with the help of common spreadsheet software
tables of formulas, with mathematical expressions made from data cells coming from any modules, even other formulas tables
the moodss GUI can then be used to browse the database as conveniently (drag'n'drop, viewers, ...) as in real-time mode
multiple platforms support: all UNIX, Linux, BSD based machines, Windows (not all functions available)
What's New in This Release:
The ability to edit thresholds per page was added in order to easily manage large quantities of thresholds.
The email library was patched to ensure that messages' data sections are properly terminated.
The usual minor improvements and bugfixes were also made.
moodss 21.5 keywords