My Classifieds 3.12 review

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My Classifieds is a web-based implementation of online classifieds, similar to other classifieds or auction sites

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 58K
Developer: Erin Spice
0 stars award from

My Classifieds is a web-based implementation of online classifieds, similar to other classifieds or auction sites.

It displays all aspects of the classifieds and creates all of the files for you.

Admin just needs to specify the categories, colors, template, and a few other site-specific variables and preferences.

This is done through an intuitive manage script. The script supports email and deletion/modification of ads by users, as well as searching ads, and auto-delete after an admin-specified number of days.

The admin can also delete or edit ads, delete or ban users, and change users passwords.

My Classifieds also has an intuitive language module that is easy to edit.

Already supported are English, Spanish, Puerto Rican Spanish, Norwegian, Portuguese, Danish, and Dutch. Also available: MySQL version.

Here are some key features of "My Classifieds":
Post an unlimited number of ads.
Admin can allow or disallow uploading of pictures and linking to pictures.
Admin can specify how long an ad can remain before being automatically deleted, or specify forever.
Admin can specify categories for the ads.
Admin can delete users, ban users, and change user's passwords.
Admin can delete and edit ads.
Admin can choose from one of our language modules, or create his own language module.
Specify your own colors.
Use your own template

web server (tested on apache 2.0.44 on UNIX and LINUX)
Perl (tested with 5.8.0)

What's New in This Release:
Autodelete now deletes pictures associated with the old ads.

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