Netacct 0.76 review
DownloadNetacct is a PHP Web interface for Netacct-MySQL, the popular traffic statistics daemon for Linux and BSD
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Netacct is a PHP Web interface for Netacct-MySQL, the popular traffic statistics daemon for Linux and BSD. Uses libpcap to collect accounting info. Works on linux, freebsd, openbsd, solaris. Accounting information is stored in mySQL. Support per hour statistics. Web interface is included also.
This package logs network traffic. It provides a daemon (nacctd) that logs all traffic passing the machine it runs on (similiar to what mrta does). Best works when is installed on router/gateway machine. It supports peering file which means that you can divide you traffic in international and local peering. See `man nacctpeering` for more info.
What's New in This Release:
added choice to set or not to set PROMISC mode in cfg file
Replaced && with || in mysql.c .. it's a minor bugfix that will never affect accounting in real life but that's the right way. Thanks to Robert Weber
Added bulgarian readme file
added Solaris startup script Robert Weber
Now it compiles and run on Solaris - Robert Weber
mysql.c - return 0 - fix for returning correct value
removed some code for config filename and dumpname
removed some old code from (HASHSIZE)
fix for many created files in /tmp/nacctd.write.[pid] on every write in mysql.
fix for error: no filename given on freebsd
added Ukranian IP space
Netacct 0.76 keywords