octopus TDDFT 2.0.1 review
Downloadoctopus project is a program aimed at the ab initio virtual experimentation on a hopefully ever increasing range of systems types.
octopus project is a program aimed at the ab initio virtual experimentation on a hopefully ever increasing range of systems types.
Electrons are describe quantum-mechanically within the Density-Functional Theory (DFT), in its time-dependent form (TDDFT) when doing simulations in time. Nuclei are described classically as point particles.
Electron-nucleus interaction is described within the Pseudopotential approximation.
What's New in This Release:
Spin-unrestricted calculations for systems with non-local pseudopotentials were giving wrong numbers.
For some atoms, the error was small, but there were cases for which the errors were sizeable.
Wrong units were used in a part of the Vosko, Wilk, and Nusair LDA correlation functional.
Parallel calculations with orbital-dependent xc functionals crashed under some circumstances.
Local magnetic moments were not computed properly when running parallel in domains.
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