op 1.32 review

by rbytes.net on

op tool provides a flexible means for system administrators to grant access to certain root operations without having to give them fu

License: BSD License
File size: 142K
Developer: Alec Thomas
0 stars award from rbytes.net

op tool provides a flexible means for system administrators to grant access to certain root operations without having to give them full superuser privileges.

Different sets of users may access different operations, and the security-related aspects of each operation can be carefully controlled.

It was originally written around 1990 by Tom Christiansen and Dave Koblas. Further updates and porting were performed by Howard Owen. The last version of this vintage is available here. The current version is maintained by Alec Thomas.

I first came into contact with op whilst working at Access Gaming Systems, where op was used extensively to control developer and administrator access to resources.

What's New in This Release:
rpl_malloc/rpl_realloc was added so that systems with dodgy implementations will link.
This fixes compilation on HP-UX.
If a 'help' parameter does not exist, the actual command to be run for the help is used.
Detection for openlog() returning void was added.

op 1.32 keywords