Open Source Requirements Management Tool 1.3 review

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Open Source Requirements Management Tool is designed to achieve full SDLC traceability for features, requirements, design, implementa

License: LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License)
File size: 0K
Developer: Aron Smith
0 stars award from

Open Source Requirements Management Tool is designed to achieve full SDLC traceability for features, requirements, design, implementation, and testing.

Open Source Requirements Management Tool has a UI for requirements derivation, version control, and common or custom attributes (rationale, source, risk, effort, etc.).

It is suitable for product managers, developers, and analysts to collaborate with flexibility and scalability.

Here are some key features of "Open Source Requirements Management Tool":
Marketing Features.
System and Functional Requirements.
Design Artifacts.
Source Artifacts.
Test Case.
Create any number of classes of artifacts e.g. Issues, Maintenance, etc.
Link or attach files to artifacts.
Trace any artifacts (e.g. Features to Requirements, Requirements to Test Cases etc).
Arrange artifacts into a hierarchal structure.
Filter and sort requirements.
Any JDBC compliant database may be used from MS Access to MySQL to Oracle.
Generate custom reports.
Export artifacts.

Java Environment

What's New in This Release:
This version adds a traceability tree to ease auditing and tracing artifacts, a change management module, and a language CSV import/export tool.
On the system admin side, you can copy an artifact type's form controls from one artifact to another, streamlining customizing forms.
Change management views are custom defined using scripting.
Artifacts can be sequenced in the tree (up/down), and additional import/export options were added.
Numerous bugfixes are also included.

Open Source Requirements Management Tool 1.3 keywords