Oroborus Theme Changer 1.2 review

by rbytes.net on

Oroborus Theme Changer is an app for changing the theme in the Oroborus window manager

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 8K
Developer: Stefan Pfetzing
0 stars award from rbytes.net

Oroborus Theme Changer is an app for changing the theme in the Oroborus window manager.

Oroborus Theme Changer is an app for changing the theme in the Oroborus window manager.

To use the app just

#cp otc /usr/bin

It presumes your theme directory is located at /usr/share/oroborus/themes - if it is located anywhere else then change the value prefix in the otc file.

If you don't have an .oroborusrc file in your home directory then it will create one for you.

As usual this app. comes with no guarantees or warranties and is covered by the GPL

Oroborus Theme Changer 1.2 keywords