PjBOT 0.0.4 review

by rbytes.net on

PjBOT is a fun-oriented irc bot

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 0K
Developer: Pedro J
0 stars award from rbytes.net

PjBOT is a fun-oriented irc bot. There's no need to do an installation.
Just do it:
./pjbot.py &
The bot will enter #pjbot @ irc.debian.org. You can change this settings in the pjbot.py file.
Also there you must change saludo and quitmsg variables.

Here are some useful commands:
!trivial : sends a question.
!A phrase : where "phrase" is the phrase that gives the answer.
!opme : gives you @ in the channel.
!deopme : takes your @ out.
!off : bot quits irc

The questions and answers are read from the ./trivial/trivial.txt file and you can modify it to your needs.

The functionality of this version (0.0.3) is very poor, I just started the development.

You need Python (>=2.2, for the pyirclib needs) and at least pyirclib 0.4.0 but is HIGHLY recommended 0.4.1

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