povmake 1.0.0 review

by rbytes.net on

povmake is a shell-script that acts as a simple front-end to the POV-ray raytracer

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 2K
Developer: Roland Smith
0 stars award from rbytes.net

povmake is a shell-script that acts as a simple front-end to the POV-ray raytracer. It allows you to trace a poyray file with four different sizes and four different quality settings. It produces minimal output, but saves the information from povray in a logfile.

The table below gives an overview of the built-in settings. Of course you can change those by editing the script.

Size value

s[mall] 320x200
m[edium] 640x480
l[arge] 800x600
x[large] 1024x768

Quality value

l[ow] +Q3
m[ed] +Q7
h[igh] +Q9 +A0.2 +R5 +AM2
[e]x[tra] +Q11 +A0.2 +R5 +AM2

A sample invocation might be:

slacker:~/src/povray$ makepov m x foo.pov

The result would be a file foo.tga, and a logfile, povrun.log.

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