Psycms 0.1 Beta review
DownloadPsycms is a truly objective content management system intended (but not only) for scientific audiences. Apart from typical CMS fea
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Psycms is a truly objective content management system intended (but not only) for scientific audiences.
Apart from typical CMS features, it enables the creation, management, and manipulation (including some simple statistical analyses) of questionnaires and surveys.
Here are some key features of "Psycms":
Object-oriented design
In Psycms, everything is an object (computer programming theory paradigm). So we have typing, inheritance, method (action) calling and overloading, inter-object binding and more.
Some object types:
Article - static content
Questionnaire - flexible research questionnaire
Message - a piece of news
Comment - a comment on an other object
File, Image
FAQ - Frequently Asked Question
MessageBrowser, CommentBrowser, FileBrowser, FAQBrowser - browsers
Group - a user group
Flexible privileges system
Importing/exporting object structure information from/to XML
A safe and comfortable way to backup objects and transport them between sites.
Easy, step-by-step graphical installer
Graphical, web-based administration
You just log on. Do what you are privileged to! This also means, than when you are allowed to do everything, you can ruin your website. Yes! But do not worry; We have a standalone recovery program in the Installer, which will default some critical system settings.
Not afraid of PHP safe_mode
Web servers' administrators often turn on PHP safe_mode to solve some shared-security problems. This reduces the flexibility of installed software. But we are not afraid! When the Installer detects safe_mode enabled all you need to do is to create some directories (you will be fully instructed what to do). No more patches and discompatibilities!
Built in multi-level cache system reduces page generation time
At the first level, default views of whole pages are stored. This reduces the latency to minimum. When they are not accessible, the system restores whole objects from the second level memory, which often meens that database server connection establishing is not necessary.
Friendly URLs support
Pages can be accessed in a user- and search engine-friendly way (mod_rewrite Apache module required). For example, you can access the same page via (really long) and You decide which form is simpler.
Multi-lingual integrated content
The system supports creation of many language versions of objects. All you need to have a localized version of an object in other language is to translate it, not create another.
Localized interface
All system messages can be shown in your language. Currently, Psycms supports English and Polish, but You can help us translating it! Please contact M. Gągolewski at de2k at if you would like to contribute to the project.
Themes through Cascading Style Sheets
Compliancy to W3C Web standards
Upgrade Wizard
Enables easy system software upgrading without data loss.
Mass user e-mailing
You can send e-mails to whole user groups.
Lets you keep control of deleted objects.
There are 3 main uses of the Object Repository: it is a place for objects that are used across the whole site, a playground to test new ideas and a building site that lets you create large groups of objects behind your user's eyes.
Web server (Apache recommended) with PHP >= 5.1 scripting enabled,
MySQL >= 4.1 (More database engines soon).
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