qBittorrent 0.8.0 review
DownloadqBittorrent is a bittorrent client written in C++ / Qt4 using the good libtorrent library (By Arvid Nordberg). qBittorrent aims to
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qBittorrent is a bittorrent client written in C++ / Qt4 using the good libtorrent library (By Arvid Nordberg).
qBittorrent aims to be a good alternative to all other bittorrent clients. The Author is Christophe Dumez, French Student in computer science (IT).
Here are some key features of "qBittorrent":
Fast resume of unfinished downloads on startup (no need to recheck files)
Unicode Support
Connection through proxy server support
Download only some files within a torrent
Scan regularily a folder and add automatically torrent files within to download list
Drag 'n drop of torrent files to GUI
Limit Upload / Download Speed
Limit number of simultaneous connections
User can set share ratio
UDP Tracker support
IP Filter support
Display number of peers, complete / partial sources for each download
Languages supported: English, French, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Korean, German, Catalan, Polish, Dutch, Turkish, Greek, Russian, Swedish
libtorrent (tested with v0.9.1) -> http://sourceforge.net/projects/libtorrent/ (These are TWO different libraries and qBittorrent will only work with the one provided on sourceforge.)
libboost, libboost-filesystem, libboost-date-time
make && make install
will install and execute qBittorrent hopefully without any problems.
What's New in This Release:
FEATURE: Added a torrent addition dialog
FEATURE: Allow user to change DHT port
FEATURE: Added an action to remove files from download list and hard drive too
FEATURE: Rewritten intensively options code
FEATURE: Remember GUI settings in a cleaner way on restart
I18N: Added Finnish translation
I18N: Improved Italian translation a lot
BUGFIX: Enabled debug with Qt 4.2.1 too because Trolltech didn't fix their bug yet
BUGFIX: Fixed layout in torrent properties
BUGFIX: Made right click menu work for multiple selection in DL list
BUGFIX: Fixed utf-8 support in paths and filenames
BUGFIX: Could only listen on the first IP of the given range
COSMETIC: Connection status in toolBar is not clickable anymore
COSMETIC: Displaying save path in torrent properties window
COSMETIC: Reworked options window a little
COSMETIC: Remember mainwindow position during last execution
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