Rasqal RDF Query Library 0.9.13 review

by rbytes.net on

Rasqal is a C library for querying RDF, supporting the RDQL and SPARQL languages

License: The Apache License 2.0
File size: 926K
Developer: Dave Beckett
0 stars award from rbytes.net

Rasqal is a C library for querying RDF, supporting the RDQL and SPARQL languages. It provides APIs for creating a query and parsing query syntax.

Rasqal RDF Query Library features pluggable triple-store source and matching interfaces, an engine for executing the queries and an API for manipulating results as bindings.

It uses the Raptor RDF parser to return triples from RDF content and can alternatively work with the Redland RDF library's persistent triple stores. It is portable across many POSIX systems.

Raptor RDF Parser Toolkit

What's New in This Release:
A new query results formatter class was added.
Support for SPARQL GRAPH was implemented in the query engine.
A new feature system was added for setting query parameters.
Many reported issues were fixed and other improvements made.

Rasqal RDF Query Library 0.9.13 keywords