rbot 0.9.10 review
Downloadrbot is a ruby IRC bot
rbot is a ruby IRC bot. Think of him as a ruby bot framework with a highly modular design based around plugins. It is somekind of a infobot. See more RbotFeatures, or perhaps an ExampleSession.
Here are some key features of "rbot":
Runtime configuration via irc chat
User authentication and access levels for using different bot features
Built in infobot-style keywords. See example session below.
Support for underlying fact database (infobot fact files), which can be overridden or supplemented by runtime keyword controls
Multi-language support - comes with english, dutch and german definitions so far - more translations welcome
Powerful plugin architecture, comes with plugins for:
DNS queries
Babelfish translation
Google searching
Excuse generation
Insult generation
Checking the weather
Querying slashdot
Doing Math
Per-channel quote storage, searching and retrieval
rot13 translation
Check the spelling of a word
Webserver Server: header examination
RPG dice rolling
larting people
conversation stats
What's New in This Release:
Many new and updated plugins, including one to poll RSS feeds.
A first step towards a better auth system (total revamp due in 0.9.11).
Improvements to network and server code, which should provide greater stability.
A new message queueing mechanism with bit rate throttling.
A new logging framework for debugging and tracing the activities of the bot.
A new split-db registry system for better performance and transactional usage of bdb for resilience.
More integration with Nickserv where available, including optional automatic ghost-killing.
rbot 0.9.10 search tags