RFDump 1.4 review
DownloadRFDump is a backend GPL tool to directly interoperate with any RFID ISO-Reader to make the contents stored on RFID tags accessible
RFDump is a backend GPL tool to directly interoperate with any RFID ISO-Reader to make the contents stored on RFID tags accessible. This makes the following types of audits possible:
Test robustness of data-structures on the reader and the backend-application
Proof-of-concept manipulations of RFID tag contents
Clone / copy & paste User-Data stored on RFID tags
Audit tag-security features
Due to the overwhelming feedback we received since presenting RFDump at the Blackhat Conference 2004 in Las Vegas (check out the slides from our presentation) we are working on making his Web Site a portal for information exchange regarding RFID technology. The intention is to build a forum where all people interested or concerned about RFID technolgy can discuss and exchange their opinion in an open environment.
RFDump is a tool to detect RFID-Tags and show their meta information: Tag ID, Tag Type, manufacturer etc. The User-Data of a tag can be displayed and modified using either a Hex or an ASCII editor. In addition, the integrated cookie feature demonstrates how easy it is for a company to abuse RFID technology to spy on their customers. RFDump works with the ACG Multi-Tag Reader or similar card reader hardware.
Here are some key features of "RFDump":
Runs on Linux, Windows
Supports ACGs PCMCIA/CF Multi-Tag Readers
Decodes the tag type, tag ID and manufacturer
Displays tag memory in Hex and ASCII encoding
Allows to write memory using Hex or ASCII editor
NEW: Full 14443 a/b Support
NEW: Support for Mifare sector keys
NEW: Cookie feature using arbitrary cookie ID and automatically incrementing counter
NEW: Brute-Force cracking of access control cards (sector keys)
NEW: Audit of encrypted RFID tags check for "default" Shipping Keys
NEW: Save and restore of Mifare Cards incl. Sector-Keys
NEW: Multi baudrate reader support, RFDump can set boud rate
NEW: Scan-Option
NEW: Config-Menus
Supported Tag Types:
ISO 15693: Tag-it ISO, My-d, I-Code SLI, LRI512, TempSense
ISO 14443 A: Mifare Standard(1,2), Mifare UltraLight(1,2)
ISO 14443 B: SR176(1,2)
Recommended Hardware:
Linux/Windows PC or HP iPAQ PDA with Linux
ACG Multi-Tag Reader, in a CF-Flash Socket or PCMCIA Adapter
13.56 MHz Tags for testing
What's New in This Release:
Support was added for access control cards, ISO 14443 a/b.
Support for brute force cracking of sector keys on encrypted rfid tags was added.
Support for multi-baud rate readers was added.
Support for cloning access cards was added.
Minor bugs were fixed.
RFDump 1.4 search tags