Sglib 1.0.3 review

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Sglib is a library defining useful macros for manipulating common data structures

License: Free for non-commercial use
File size: 59K
Developer: Marian Vittek
0 stars award from

Sglib is a library defining useful macros for manipulating common data structures. The library currently provides generic implementation for:

sorting arrays
manipulating linked lists
manipulating sorted linked lists
manipulating double linked lists
manipulating red-black trees
manipulating hashed containers

Sglib consists of a single header file without any binary code. In consequence it is absolutely platform independent. In order to use it just put #include "sglib.h" into your source code.

The library is implemented in the C programming language and written for C programmers, however it is freely inspired by the Standard Template Library.

In general, Sglib macros are parametrized by the type of the data structure and a comparator function (or comparator macro). Several further generic parameters such as the name of the 'next' field for linked lists may be required.

Although I wish to keep the library as simple as possible all suggestions for new functionalities are welcomed. Currently, the implementation of queues, priority queues, hashed tables and AVL trees is in progress.

What's New in This Release:
This release enhances license conditions so that the library can be freely used in any commercial project.

Sglib 1.0.3 keywords