SilentJack 0.1 review

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SilentJack is a silence and dead air detector for the Jack Audio Connection Kit. Usage: silentjack [options] [COMMAND [ARG]...] Opti

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 99K
Developer: Nicholas J Humfrey
0 stars award from

SilentJack is a silence and dead air detector for the Jack Audio Connection Kit.

Usage: silentjack [options] [COMMAND [ARG]...]
Options: -c < port > Connect to this port
-n < name > Name of this client (default 'silentjack')
-l < db > Trigger level (default -40 decibels)
-p < secs > Period of silence required (default 1 second)
-g < secs > Grace period (default 0 seconds)
-v Enable verbose mode
-q Enable quiet mode

SilentJack runs COMMAND after silence has been detected for the given number of seconds. SilentJack then waits for the command the finish, and then wait for the grace period before detecting silence again.

SilentJack's input port must be connected to an output port before it will start reporting silence.

Jack Audio Connection Kit

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