spConfig 0.1.3 review

by rbytes.net on

spConfig is a C library made for parsing configuration files with a syntax similar to XML. spConfig is a configuration file parsin

License: BSD License
File size: 56K
Developer: Chris Wright and Steve Mokris
0 stars award from rbytes.net

spConfig is a C library made for parsing configuration files with a syntax similar to XML.

spConfig is a configuration file parsing library intended to allow one to add configuration file functionality to an application with relative ease. Configuration files use an XML-like syntax with some additional preprocessor-style commands.


unpack the archive, cd to spconfig-0.1.3
make install

After installation, you'll need to run ldconfig before you start linking to it. You probably need to be root to run it.

What's New in This Release:
new build system
[else] directive

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