sshproxy 0.5.0 review
Downloadsshproxy is a pure Python implementation of an SSH proxy. sshproxy allows users to connect to remote sites without having to remem
sshproxy is a pure Python implementation of an SSH proxy.
sshproxy allows users to connect to remote sites without having to remember the password or key of the remote sites.
How do I use it ?
Here is an overview of a normal ssh session:
me@myhost $ ssh -tp 2242 me@proxy remote-site
root@remote-site #
... doing some administration commands ...
root@remote-site # exit
me@myhost $
Here is the same with the pssh shell wrapper:
me@myhost $ pssh remote-site
root@remote-site #
... doing some administration commands ...
root@remote-site # exit
me@myhost $
You can also execute remote commands:
me@myhost $ pssh remote-site uname -a
me@myhost $
Here is an example of an scp transfert:
me@myhost $ scp /etc/issue me@proxy:root@remote-site:/etc/
me@myhost $
And the same with the pscp shell wrapper:
me@myhost $ pscp /etc/issue remote-site:/etc/
me@myhost $
What's New in This Release:
Since the 0.4 branch, the database backend has been split in three different and independent backends: client, ACL, and site.
Authorization policies are now easier to define, and limited only by your imagination.
A simple and powerful ACL engine has been put into the heart of sshproxy.
The plugin architecture allows virtually any extension or modification of sshproxy.
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