Sybase::RepAgent 0.03 review
DownloadSybase::RepAgent is a Perl extension for building a Sybase Replication Agent which talks to a Sybase Replication Server. SYNOPSIS
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Sybase::RepAgent is a Perl extension for building a Sybase Replication Agent which talks to a Sybase Replication Server.
use Sybase::RepAgent;
my $ra = Sybase::RepAgent->new($repserver,
$ra->distribute(%command_tags, $subcommand);
my $mu = $ra->maintenance_user;
my $tp = $ra->truncation_pointer;
my $lv = $ra->ltl_version;
my $sv = $ra->system_version;
my $ul = $ra->upgrade_locator;
my $last_oqid = $ra->last_oqid;
my $last_tran_id = $ra->last_tran_id;
Sybase Replication Server is a mighty tool for data distribution, mirroring, warm stand by and a lot more. RepServer gets the data to distribut from a Replication Agent, which is built into the Sybase database server. RepAgents exit for all major databases and the language which is used by RepAgent to RepServer is described in the Replication Server Design Guide at the Sybase web site.
This module is just a wrapper around this language which allows you to roll your own RepAgent. You can use it to enable replication in a database which is not supported by Sybase (e.g. MySQL and PostgreSQL, which both support Perl-Procedures by now). Or you can use it to feed data into RepServer, which will do the distribution, error handling and all that stuff.
For setting up and using a replication with Sybase::RepAgent see the RepAgent cookbook (
This is my own work. Sybase Inc. is in no way involved and does NOT support this module.
Sybase::RepAgent 0.03 keywords