TCPDuP 0.50b review

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TCPDuP is a command-line networking utility that can proxy TCP service to a remote host:port pair, thus duplicating the availability

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 0K
Developer: Benjamin Rossi
0 stars award from

TCPDuP is a command-line networking utility that can proxy TCP service to a remote host:port pair, thus duplicating the availability of that service.

TCPDuP project differs from using netcat and a named pipe in that it supports multiple concurrent connections. It is also faster than using a pipe and netcat due to less overhead and use of asynchronous I/O.

Other features include local command execution, a daemon mode, and verbose output/logging.

What's New in This Release:
A modular framework by which new functionality can be easily developed is now used.
Two modules are built in: pair and cmd, which duplicate a remote service and capture the I/O of a locally executed command respectively.
It is now possible to limit bandwidth to a specified amount in bits per second, regardless of the module used.

TCPDuP 0.50b keywords