txt2tags 2.6 review

by rbytes.net on

txt2tags is a format conversion tool written in Python that generates HTML, SGML, LaTeX, man page, MoinMoin, Magic Point, and PageMak

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 153K
Developer: Aurelio Marinho Jargas
0 stars award from rbytes.net

txt2tags is a format conversion tool written in Python that generates HTML, SGML, LaTeX, man page, MoinMoin, Magic Point, and PageMaker documents from a plain text file with little marks.


--htmliso like ?
improves -vvv messages inside convert
tex: image alignment
bug: %!options: -o "file with spaces.html"
man bug: dots on list item: - ... are hidden
man, sgml, tex: table declaration must contain the MAXIMUM number of columns, not the first line (leslie)
tex, sgml: make table alignable
tex, sgml: make anchor schema work
list maxdepth reached, remove listid for the following sublists
remove extra files from cmdline comment at the end
mgp: see %encoding strings
-t txt --style fancy
a nice logo for the program
implement split, see nice postgres manual headers (jic, many others) emacs lisp page has a nice oneliner: Node:On Reading this Text, Next:Who You Are, Previous:Why, Up:Preface
pm6: check it all @home
sgml: change to &bsol on content is really needed?

What's New in This Release:
A new %%% mark was implemented for commented blocks.
The test suite was improved, resulting in better handling of tricky markup combinations and the fixing of three (rare) fatal errors.

txt2tags 2.6 keywords