UDPM 0.88 review

by rbytes.net on

UDPM is a Perl extension for User Dialogs. SYNOPSIS use UDPM; my $d = new UDPM ({'backtitle'=>'Demo','colours'=>1,'cr-wrap

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 39K
Developer: Kevin C. Krinke
0 stars award from rbytes.net

UDPM is a Perl extension for User Dialogs.


use UDPM;
my $d = new UDPM ({'backtitle'=>'Demo','colours'=>1,'cr-wrap'=>1,

'text'=>'[B]Welcome[/B] [U]one[/U] and [R]all[/R]!'});


UserDialogPerlModule is simply an OOPerl wrapper for the dialog application(s). This version of UDPM supports dialog, cdialog (aka: dialog ver. 0.9b), whiptail, gdialog and kdialog. There is also an ASCII dialog mode (as a fallback for systems without a dialog variant).

UDPM strives to be full-featured and robust in everything to do with simple end-user interfaces. Care has been taken to provide a clean OO interface to common command line utilities as well as providing a native ascii mode simulating the various interface widgets.


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