Veldfire 0.3.3 review

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Veldfire project is a collection of C code aimed at simplifying email functionality. The project aims to provide interfaces for se

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 0K
Developer: Jason Armstrong
0 stars award from

Veldfire project is a collection of C code aimed at simplifying email functionality.

The project aims to provide interfaces for sending email, attaching files, and sending to lists.


make; make install
Solaris will need to uncomment LIBS line at the top of the makefile, as well as in the librd/makefile


Veldfire is best used with a configuration file containing the most common default settings (eg from, banner, header).

Files to be attached must come last in the command line options.


Veldfire variables that can be configured are:

- from
- to
- subject
- host
- port
- logfile
- loglevel
- configuration file
- section in config file
- report
- custom header
- banner
- max connection

from: Email address
to: Email address, file containing address of string of email addresses separated by one of ;:,tn
subject: Email subject
host: host to connect to. Default localhost
port: port on host. Default 25
logfile: Where to log
loglevel: 1 - 6
configuration file: where to read settings from
section: which section to use (see below)
report: Email address to send report to (useful for mailing lists)
header: Custom header field. Multiple instances possible
banner: Include veldfire banner at end of email
maxconnection: Maximum number of emails per connection
sendtimeout: Socket write timeout
recvtimeout: Socket read timeout
nomessage: Don't expect a message on stdin

Configuration can be via environment variables, a configuration file or
command line switches.

What's New in This Release:
Fixed Solaris build problems with flock, use fcntl.
Added switch to force process to stay in the foreground.
Added switch to log to stdout.

Veldfire 0.3.3 keywords