view3dscene 2.0.1 review
Downloadview3dscene project is a viewer for 3D scene files. Here are some key features of "view3dscene": · Two navigation methods are ava
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view3dscene project is a viewer for 3D scene files.
Here are some key features of "view3dscene":
Two navigation methods are available: Walk (walking like in FPS (Doom, Quake) games, with collision detection, gravity and related features available) and Examine (this allows you to easily rotate and scale the whole model).
Convertion of 3DS, OBJ and GEO files to VRML 1.0
You can also simply open and save any VRML 1.0 or 2.0 file and in effect view3dscene will work as a "pretty-printer" for VRML files.
Built-in ray-tracer (that is also available as a separate command-line program, rayhunter) to generate nice views of the scene (with shadows, mirrors, and transmittance). Classic ray-tracer implements exactly VRML 97 lighting equations.
Supported file formats:
VRML 1.0 and 2.0. Almost complete VRML 1.0 support is ready. VRML 2.0 (aka VRML 97) support is also done, although some advanced features are missing right now (like prototypes, scripting, interpolators, sensors). VRML files usually have WRL extension.
See VRML implementation status for detailed list of supported features. See also my extensions to VRML, my VRML test suite, and finally the official VRML specifications.
Also many OpenInventor's 1.0 ASCII files (extension IV) are handled. Mainly it's because Inventor 1.0 and VRML 1.0 are very similar formats, but view3dscene handles also some additional Inventor-specific nodes.
3d Studio 3DS format. Not every information in 3DS is handled by view3dscene but most important things, like materials, texture coordinates and texture filenames are supported.
Wavefront OBJ files. Only very basic support : geometry and texture coords. Texture named default_obj_texture.png in the current directory will be used if texture coords are specified in the file.
GEO. Some simple format; I don't even know what program writes files in this format, it just happened that I had a few files in this format. No, it's not Videoscape GEO and it's not Houdini GEO.
Libpng, Zlib (under Windows Libpng and Zlib are already packaged in program's archive (zip file))
Under Unices (Linux, FreeBSD): GTK+ >= 2.2 and GtkGLExt >= 1.0.6
What's New in This Release:
Menu items were added to display the whole octree and to change the rendered point size for PointSets.
The quadric stacks value (for the command-line option --detail-quadric-stacks and KambiTriangulation node) can be 1 now.
The recently released FPC 2.0.4 is used to compile view3dscene now.
view3dscene 2.0.1 keywords