VocabPlus 0.2 review

by rbytes.net on

Vocab+ is basically an English Vocabulary building software, for the UNIX environment

License: Freeware
File size: 35K
Developer: Gaurav Jain
0 stars award from rbytes.net

Vocab+ is basically an English Vocabulary building software, for the UNIX environment. Features include adding/deleting/editing/searching words, and an extensive set of randomized and controllable tests of vocabulary.

VocabPlus is very useful for those who are mainly working in the UNIX environment, and who love to work with software in the keyboard mode. It is a very robust, useful and user-friendly software.

It supports colorful displays and interfaces, while still being completely text (non-graphical) based. It is free software, protected under the GNU General Public License.

X11, ncurses (available on most modern X terminals)

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