WWW::Orkut::Spider 0.03 review

by rbytes.net on

License: Perl Artistic License
File size: 5K
Developer: WWW::Orkut::Spider Team
0 stars award from rbytes.net

WWW::Orkut::Spider is a Perl extension for spidering the orkut community.


use WWW::Orkut::Spider;
my $orkut = WWW::Orkut::Spider->new;
print $orkut->get_xml_profile($uid);

WWW::Orkut::Spider uses WWW:Mechanize to scrape orkut.com.
Output is a simple xml format containing friends, communities and profiles for a given Orkut UID.

- Access to orkut.com via WWW::Mechanize
- Collects UIDs
- Fetches Profiles/Communities/Friends for a given UID
- Output via simple xml format


WWW::Orkut::Spider 0.03 keywords