XML::XPath::Simple 0.05 review

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XML::XPath::Simple is a very simple interface for XPaths. SYNOPSIS use XML::XPath::Simple; $xp = new XML::XPath::Simpl

License: Perl Artistic License
File size: 10K
Developer: S.D. Campbell
0 stars award from rbytes.net

XML::XPath::Simple is a very simple interface for XPaths.


use XML::XPath::Simple;

$xp = new XML::XPath::Simple(
xml => $xml,
context => '/'
$content = $xp->valueof('/doc/c[2]/d[1]@id');

XML::XPath::Simple is designed to allow for the use of simple Abbreviated XPath syntax to access values from a small XML document. This module is not meant as a drop-in replacement for XML::XPath, and doesn't support the entire W3C XPath Recommendation. This module is meant as an easy and simple way to access XML data from small, non-complex structures.
XML::XPath::Simple doesn't support documents that have elements containing mixed content (text and tags), nor does it allow for the walking of the tree structure, or the counting of elements. While this module allows access to specific nodes using the position() function, internally the module doesn't necessarially parse the XML structure in any specific order, so position() calls may not return the value expected.


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