XnView 4.51 review
Come to discover XnView, a software to view and convert graphic files, really simple to use ! Support of more than 400 graphics formats ! It's free, so do not hesitate !
XnView (1.80.3/1.70) exists for Windows, MacOS X, Linux x86, Linux ppc, FreeBSD x86, OpenBSD x86, NetBSD x86, Solaris sparc, Solaris x86, Irix mips, HP-UX, AIX !
NConvert (4.51) exists for Windows, Linux x86, Linux ppc, FreeBSD x86, OpenBSD x86, NetBSD x86, Solaris sparc, Solaris x86, Irix mips, HP-UX, AIX, OS/2, Atari, BeOS x86, MacOS X et QNX!
Here are some key features of "XnView":
Import about 400 graphic file formats
Export about 50 graphic file formats
Multipage TIFF, Animated GIF, Animated ICO support
Image IPTC, EXIF metadata support
EXIF auto rotation support
IPTC editing
Resize, rotate, crop support
Lossless rotate & crop (jpeg) support
Adjust brigthness, contrast...
Auto levels, contrast
Modify number of colors
Apply filters (blur, average, emboss, ...)
Apply effects (lens, wave, ...)
Fullscreen mode
Slide show with effects
Batch convert, batch rename
Create WEB page easily
Screen capture
Create contact Sheet
Create or edit Multi-page file (TIFF, DCX, LDF)
TWAIN & WIA support (Windows only)
Print support (Windows only)
Drag & Drop support (Windows only)
Compare image side by side
Filmstrip layout
44 languages support (Windows only)
And many many other things...
No Adware, No Spyware
Formats that can XnView can handle:
ADEX img,rle
AIM Grey Scale ima,im
ARF arf
AT&T Group 4 att
Access g4
Aces200 ace
Acorn Sprite
Adobe Illustrator ai
Adobe PhotoParade php
Adobe Photoshop psd
Advanced Art Studio ocp,art,pic
AirNav anv
Alias Image File pix,als,alias
Alpha Microsystems BMP bmp
Amapi 2d
Amica Paint ami,[b]
Amiga IFF iff,blk
Amiga icon info
Amstrad Cpc Screen
Andrew Toolkit raster object atk
Apollo HDRU hdru,hdr
ArcInfo Binary hdr
Art Director art
Artisan art
Artist 64 a64
Astronomical Research Network arn
Aurora sim
Auto F/X afx
Autocad CAD-Camera img
AutoCAD DXF dxf
AutoCAD DWG dwg
Autodesk Animator fli,flc
Autodesk SKETCH thumbnail skf
Autodesk SketchUp component skp
Autologic gm,gm2,gm4
Award Bios Logo epa
Axialis Screensaver ssp
B3D (images) b3d
BFLI bfl,bfli
BMF bmf
Bfx Bitware bfx
Bio-Rad confocal pic
Blazing Paddles pi
Bob Raytracer bob
Brooktrout 301 brk,301,brt
Buttonz & Tilez texture til
byLight bif
CALS Raster cal,cals
CDU Paint cdu
CMU Window Manager cmu
CP8 256 Gray Scale cp8
Calamus cpi,crg
Canon Navigator Fax can
Canon PowerShot crw
Cartes Michelin big
Casio QV-10/100 Camera cam
Chinon ES-1000 digital camera cmt
Cloe Ray-Tracer clo,cloe
ColoRIX rix,sci,scx,sc?
CompW wlm
CompuServe GIF gif,giff
Computer Eyes, Digital Vision ce
ComputerEyes Raw ce1,ce2
Core IDC idc
Corel Draw Bitmap (preview) cdr
Corel Draw Pattern (preview) pat
Corel Flow bmf
Corel Metafile Exchange (preview) cmx
Corel PhotoPaint 6.0 cpt
CoverDesigner ncd
CoverDesigner Template nct
DBW Render
DIV Game Studio Map map
DIV Game Studio Multi Map fpg
DKB Ray-Tracer dis
DPX dpx
Dali Raw sd0,sd1,sd2
Datacopy img
Degas & Degas Elite pi1,pc1,pi2
Deluxe Paint, Electronic Arts lbm,ilbm
Dicom dcm,acr
Digital F/X tdim
Digital Research (GEM Paint) img,gem
Discorp CMP Image cmp
DjVu djvu,djv,iw4
Doodle Atari doo
Doodle C64 dd
Doodle C64 (Compressed) jj
Dr Halo cut
Draz Paint drz
EA Sports FSH fsh
EPS Interchange Format epi
ERI-chan (Entis Rasterized Image) eri
ESM Software Pix pix
Ecchi ecc
Eclipse tile
Edmics c4
Electric Image ei,eidi
Embroidery bmc
Encapsulated Postscript(Preview) eps
Enhance Simplex esm
Eroiica eif
Enhanced Compressed Wavelet ecw
Explore (TDI) & Maya tdi,iff
FIF (Iterated System) fif
FIT fit
Fax Group 3 g3,fax
Fenix Map map
Fenix Multi Map fpg
Flash Image fi
FlashPix Format fpx
Flexible Image Transport System fts,fits,fit
Fuzzy bitmap fbm,cbm
GeoPaint geo
Gfa Raytrace sul
Gimp Bitmap xcf
Gimp Brush gbr
Gimp Icon ico
Gimp Pattern pat
GoDot 4bt,4bit,clp
HF hf
HP-48/49 GROB gro,grb
HRU hru
HSI Raw raw
Half-Life Model mdl
Hayes JTFax jtf
Hemera Photo Image hpi
Hemera Thumbs hta
Heretic II MipMap m8
Hi-Eddi hed
Hires C64 hir
Homeworld Texture lif
HPGL/2 plt, hgl, hg,
hpg, plo, hp,
hp1, hp2, hpgl,
hpgl2, gl2, prn, spl
IBM Kips kps
IBM Printer Page Segment pse
IM5 (Visilog) im5
IMNET Image imt
IOCA ica,ioca
ISS iss
Icon Library icl
Image Capture Board icb
Image Magick file mif,miff
Image Speeder ish
Image System (Hires) ish
Image System (Multicolor) ism
Image Systems RLC2 Graphic rlc
ImageLab b&w,b_w
Imaging Fax g3n
Imaging Technology img
Img Software Set img
Inshape iim
InterPaint (Hires) iph
InterPaint (Multicolor) ipt
Intergraph Format itg,cit,rle
Interleaf iimg
Iris CT ct
Iris graphic iris
J Wavelet Image Codec wic
JBIG jbg,bie,jbig
JPEG / JFIF jpg,jpeg,jif
JPEG-2000 Code Stream jpc
JPEG-2000 JP2 File Format jp2,j2k,jpx
Jeff's Image Format jif
Jovian VI vi
Jpeg Network Graphics jng
JustButtons animated bitmap btn
Khoros Visualization Image file vif,viff,xv
KinuPix Skin thb
Kiss Cel cel
Koala Paint koa
Koala Paint (Compressed) gg
Kodak Cineon cin
Kodak DC120 Digital Camera kdc
Kodak DC25 Camera k25
Kodak Photo CD pcd
Kofax Group 4 kfx
Konica Camera File kqp
LSS16 16
LView Pro lvp
LaserData lda
Light Work Image lwi
LucasFilm Format lff
Lumena CEL cel
LuraDocument Format ldf
LuraWave Format lwf
LuraWave JPEG-2000 Code Stream jpc
LuraWave JPEG-2000 Format jp2,j2k,jpx
MAGIchan Graphics mag
MGI Photosuite Project pzp
MGR bitmap mgr
MTV Ray-Tracer mtv
Mac Paint mac,mpnt,macp
Macintosh Quickdraw/Pict pic,pict,pict2 pct
Maggi Hairstyles & Cosmetics fff
Male MRI pd,t1,t2
Male Normal CT fre
Marks Russel File mrf
Mavica 411
Maw-Ware Textures mtx
Mayura Draw pdx
MegaPaint bld
Megalux Frame frm
Micro Dynamics MARS pbt
Micro Illustrator Uncompressed mil
Micrografx Picture Publisher 4.0 pp4
Micrografx Picture Publisher 5.0 pp5
Microsoft Paint msp
Microtek Eyestar img
Mindjongg Format ipg
MonkeyCard pdb
MonkeyLogo pdb
MrSid sid
Msx 2 Screen sc2
Multiple Network Graphics mng
Multiple Network Graphics mng
NCR Image ncr
NIST ihdr pct
National Imagery Transmission nitf
NeoBook Cartoon car
Neochrome (ST & TT) neo
Neopaint Mask npm
Neopaint Stamp stw
Nikon D1 digital camera nef
Nokia Group Graphics ngg
Nokia Logo File nlm
Nokia Operator Logo nol
Nokia OTA bitmap otb
OAZ Fax oaz
OS/2 Bitmap bmp,bga
Olicom Fax ofx
Open Image Library Format oil
Optigraphics cft
Optigraphics Tiled ttf
Optocat abs
Oric Hires hir
Oric TAP tap
Os/2 Warp bga
PABX background pix
PC Paint / Pictor Page pic,clp
PCO b16
PM pm
PWC pwc
Page Control Language pcl
Paint Magic pmg
PaintShopPro Browser Cache File jbf
PaintShopPro Frame pfr
PaintShopPro Image psp
PaintShopPro Mask msk
PaintShopPro Pattern pat
PaintShopPro Picture Tube tub
PaintShopPro Texture tex
Palm Pilot pdb
Pegs pxs,pxa
Pfs Art Publisher art
Photo Deluxe pdd,pdb
PhotoFantasy Image fsy
PhotoFrame frm
PhotoStudio File psf
PhotoStudio Stamp stm
Photomatrix cat
Pict2 p2
Photopaint Image apx
Picasso 64 p64
Picture Gear Pocket prc
Pixar picture file pic,pxr,picio
Pixel Power Collage ib7,i17,i18
Pixia pxa
Pixibox pxb
Planetary Data System pds,img
Playback Bitmap Sequence bms
Pocket PC Bitmap 2bp
Polychrome Recursive Format prf
Portable Bitmap pbm,rpbm
Portable Document Format pdf
Portable Greyscale pgm,rpgm
Portable Image pnm,rpnm,pbm
Portable Network Graphics png
Portable Pixmap ppm,rppm
Portfolio Graphics pgf
Portfolio Graphics Compressed pgc
Portrait cvp
Poser Bump bum
Postscript ps,eps
PowerPoint (images) pps
PowerPoint Presentation (images) ppt
Printfox/Pagefox bs,pg,gb
Prisms pri
Psion Serie 3 Bitmap pic
Psion Serie 5 Bitmap mbm
Punk Productions Picture ppp
Puzzle pzl
Q0 q0,rgb
Qdv (Random Dot Software) qdv
Qrt Ray-Tracer qrt
Quake Texture wal
Quantel VPB vpb
QuickTime Image Format qtif,qti
RIPTerm Image icn
Radiance rad,img,pic
Rainbow Painter rp
Raw raw,gry,grey
Rayshade pic
Red Storm File Format rsb
Ricoh Digital Camera j6i
Ricoh Fax 001
Ricoh IS30 pig
RunPaint (Multicolor) rpm
SBIG CCD camera ST-4 st4
SBIG CCD camera ST-X stx,st4,st5
SPOT dat
Saracen Paint sar
SciFax sci
SciTex Continuous Tone sct,ct
Seattle Film Works sfw
Seattle Film Works multi-image pwp,sfw
SecretPhotos puzzle xp0
Sega SJ-1 DIGIO sj1
Sharp GPB img
Silicon Graphics RGB rgb,rgba,bw
Skantek skn
Slow Scan Television hrz
SmartDraw 6 template sdt
SmartFax 001
SmoothMove Pan Viewer pan
Softimage pic,si
Solitaire Image Recorder sir
Sony DSC-F1 Cyber-shot pmp
Sony Playstation TIM tim
Spectrum 512 spu
Spectrum 512 (Compressed) spc
Spectrum 512 (Smooshed) sps
SriSun ssi
Stad pic,pac,seq
Star Office Gallery sdg
Starbase img
Stardent AVS X x,avs,mbfs
Starlight Xpress SX 500x291 RAW
Stereo Image jps
Structured Fax Format sff
Sun Icon/Cursor icon,cursor,ico
Sun Rasterfile ras,rast,sun
Sun TAAC file iff,vff,suniff
Synthetic Universe syn,synu
TG4 tg4
TI Bitmap 92i,73i,82i, 83i,85i,86i, 89i
TIFF Revision 6 tif,tim,tiff
TRS 80 hr
TealPaint pdb
Thumbnail tnl
Tiny tny,tn1,tn2
Total Annihilation gaf
Truevision Targa tga,targa,pix
Ulead Pattern pst
Ulead PhotoImpact upi
Ulead Texture pe4
Usenix FaceServer fac,face
Utah raster image rle,urt
VITec vit
VRML2 wrl
Verity vif
Vicar vic,vicar,img
Vidcom 64 vid
Video Display Adapter vda
Vista vst
Vivid Ray-Tracer img
Vort pix
Vue d'esprit vob
WAD (Half Life) wad
WaveL iwc
Wavefront Raster file rla,rlb
WebShots wbc,wbz
WhyPic ypc
WinFAX fxs,fxo,wfx
WinMIPS pic
Windows & Aldus Metafile wmf
Windows Animated Cursor ani
Windows Bitmap bmp,rle,vga
Windows Clipboard clp
Windows Cursor cur
Windows DIB dib
Windows Enhanced Metafile emf
Windows Icon ico
Wireless Bitmap (level 0) wbmp,wbm,wap
Word Perfect Graphics wpg
X Windows System dump xwd,x11
X11 Bitmap xbm,bm
X11 Pixmap xpm,pm
XV Visual Schnauzer p7
Xara (images) xar
Xerox DIFF xif
Ximage xim
Xionics SMP smp
YUV 16Bits yuv,qtl,uyvy
YUV 16Bits Interleaved yuv,qtl,uyvy
YUV 4:1:1 yuv,qtl
YUV 4:2:2 yuv,qtl
YUV 4:4:4 yuv,qtl
ZX Spectrum Hobetta $s,$c,!s
ZX Spectrum Snapshot sna
ZX Spectrum standard screen scr
ZZ Rough rgh
Zoner Callisto Metafile (preview) zmf
Zoner Zebra Metafile (preview) zbr
Zsoft Multi-page Paintbrush dcx
Zsoft Publisher's Paintbrush pcx,pcc,dcx
Description Extensions Legend
Sound file, Audio Interchange Format aif,aiff
Sun & Next Audio format au,snd
Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) mdi
Windows audio file wav
Video for Windows avi,vfw
QuickTime Movie mov,qt
Moving Pictures Experts Group format mpg,m1v,mpa, mpe,mpeg
XnView 4.51 keywords