yaBi 0.6.1 review
DownloadyaBi (Yet Another Beagle search Interface) is a python-kde-beagle search interface to find information from beagle. yaBi uses sna
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yaBi (Yet Another Beagle search Interface) is a python-kde-beagle search
interface to find information from beagle.
yaBi uses snappy KHTML to display results, CSS for designing and super-fast beagle-python bindings to retrieve search results. It uses kde preview service to display thumbnails and also shows kde-associated applications for results.
To run, download the file,
$ tar zxvf yabi-0.5.tar.gz
$ cd yabi-0.5
$ ./yabi.py
(Help Wanted: Packaging python applications)
Here are some key features of "yaBi":
Separation of search results into categories like Music, Pictures, RSS, Webhistory,
Other files, Mails etc. and showing them in different tabs.
Summary tab to show the time taken to query, search result summary.
Formatting of search result done using CSS (and some javascript). Change yabi.css and yabi.js to suit your taste.
Shows indexed information about results e.g. time when indexed, full path, title (if any), sender (if mail) etc.
Shows relevant actions (according to the users KDE associations) and standard actions like open in terminal, reveal in konqueror, send as email-attachment.
Shows thumbnail (on-demand, as thumbnail generation can be slow for certain files).
Retrieves snippets from beagle in background and displays them when requested.
Clusters webhistory results into websites and emails into conversations. This helps a lot when the user knows what website/email-conversation might be of interest.
User can use keyword queries to search specific metadata like extension or sender email-address. Also, allows various specifiers to restrict query by dates, source, type etc.
It should be clear by now that beagle allows an elaborate query syntax to fetch you just the information you need. There is a easy-accessible help tab which explains the syntax in great detail.
Information tab to show current beagle status and index information.
Allow starting/stopping of beagle daemon from the GUI.
Save queries in bookmarks.
beagle >= 0.2.0 with libbeagle and python-bindings enabled - (libbeagle and python-bindings require glib-2.6-devel, libxml-2.6.19-devel and pygtk2-2.6-devel)
PyKDE (I used Oct-13-2005 snapshot)
About Beagle:
Beagle is a utility to comb personal data which can be used to find whatever you are looking for. Beagle in itself doesnt have a GUI (so its not correct to call it a gnome-application). It provides C/C#/python api for clients. beagle-0.2.1 provides a build option (./configure --disable-gui --enable-libbeagle --enable-python ...) which builds core beagle with python bindings.
Besides searching among files, beagle can also store information about
kopete chat sessions
akregator (pre kde-3.5) rss feeds
kmail emails konqueror
webbrowsing history
Writing plugins for beagle is fairly simple, for information on that and more, visit http://beagle-project.org/Main_Page
If you dislike some feature, have any suggestions, hate my python coding style or have fixes for bugs (I am sure there are many), please email them to me at dbera.web_NOSPAMat_gmail.com. If you are a CSS/UI expert, then I would love to hear your suggestions.
What's New in This Release:
Fixed a crash in snippet retrieval which also fixes a memory leak
Explicitly deny documentation and IM queries since we dont have any means of displaying them
yaBi 0.6.1 keywords