Yahoo Mail Sucker pr75 review
DownloadAs you probably know, Yahoo Mail does not provide free POP access to its users any more
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As you probably know, Yahoo Mail does not provide free POP access to its users any more. You can still use your YM account for free, but you have to use a Yahoo Mail web site to access your account.
This is not very convenient as you always have to be online, you cannot use your favourite e-mail client to read your messages, and so on. You can easily immagine the disadvantages of having to manage all your corespondence via web.
When Yahoo disabled its free POP access, the first thing that came to my mind was to change my e-mail account. But then I realized, there are far too many people used to my current Yahoo Mail address, that I am used to my YM address very much too and I thought - if Yahoo closes a free service, the other services will follow sooner or later. So changing an e-mail service/account wasn't really solution.
That is when I have decided to write YoSucker as a simple portable perl application, that would simulate a user actions to retrieve my mail to my local inbox. Yahoo Mail Sucker simply connects to the Yahoo Mail web site, parses the HTML code and fetches new messages.
With time I have added lots of other features and functionality (like support for multiple accounts, support for procmail, support for local Yahoo Mail sites, for proxy connection and much more) but the basic idea still stay the same...
Here are some key features of "Yahoo Mail Sucker":
secure SSL login
support for multiple accounts
encrypted passwords for enhanced security
transaction safe writes
support for various folders (including BULK mail)
support for multiuser environment
support for multiple mailboxes in one config file
support for procmail (output to a pipe)
support for localized Yahoo Mail sites
support for proxy
support for basic proxy authorization
support of command line parameters
powerful digest feature for listing mailbox content
handles virtually unlimited number of messages
LeaveOnServer, EmptyTrash and OnlyNew features
restore message unread flag feature
powerful CLEAN option
quota storage warning system
session Respawn feature
What's New in This Release:
This release fixes an error in YoSucker: "Abnormal Yahoo Mail behavior (02)! Exiting - please retry...".
There are minor cosmetic issues.
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