Zoop PHP Framework 1.2 review

by rbytes.net on

Zoop is an object oriented framework for PHP based on a front controller

License: ZPL (Zope Public License)
File size: 0K
Developer: Zoop Team
0 stars award from rbytes.net

Zoop is an object oriented framework for PHP based on a front controller. It is designed to be very fast and efficient and very nice for the programmer to work with. Zoop PHP Framework is easily extensible, and you need only include the functionality you use.

It features GuiControls (a PHP implementation of .net's webcontrols), AJAX support and integration, automatic form validation and creation (including db integration), a Smarty templating system, PDF creation, session handling, and SMTP template-based email sending.

Here are some key features of "Zoop PHP Framework":

error handling, including logging.
XMLRPC client/server integration
public file handling (Javascript AJAX files)
general purpose functions


url based front-controller
simple creation of new pages
encourages organization of similar or cooperative pages into zones.
separates GET requests from POST requests using page/post functions
Zone hierarchy allows for simplified security checking.
Encourages a Model/View/Controller architecture.


Smarty integration
GuiControls - reusable, with js and php automatic validation user input controls
Highly extendable and reusable.
Integrated js and php type and format validation.
Best described as a php implementation of .Net's webcontrols, but more powerful.


database connectivity to any database supported by PEARDB
sql_* functions that use the default connection to return formatted data from your queries
ComplexUpdate for updates of multiple rows.


Automates Advanced Listing and searching of records from a single database table (includes sorting and pagination).
Automates the process of Viewing, Creating and Editing Records from a table.
Uses GuiControls so forms are automatically type and format validated.
Extremely quick and simple to use while providing detailed control for those desiring it.
Intended to tie the database and the gui together simply.


Use XML to describe navigation sequences.
Automate wizard-style user navigation.
Avoid complicated logic to handle user navigation.
Access these sequences manually or extend zone_sequence.


server-side validation
client-side (javascript) validation
supports many common formats


Templated generation of mail
Supports multi-part html and text email
Supports SMTP and sendmail for sending messages.


Uses Library from http://www.ros.co.nz/pdf for generating pdf files.
Wraps library with HTML-alike structures such as PdfTable, PdfTableRow, PdfTableCell.
Easily create new PdfObjects to do your custom content.


Use a database instead of standard files to store sessions.
more session handlers to come...


Store files in the filesystem, or in a database.
Transparent to your code.
userfiles (deprecated):
store files in a db


Spell checking, including user added word management.

What's New in This Release:
There is a new component, cache.
There is an upgrade for another component, forms2 (part of forms).
This release supports fastCGI out of the box.
There are many new GUI controls, including a new CAPTCHA control.
There is better AJAX support, Mysqli support, preliminary support for PHP 5+ autoinclude, bugfixes, and speed increases.

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