ZProtocol2000 1.0 review
DownloadZProtocol2000 product allows one to view and control Kramer Audio and Video switchers
ZProtocol2000 product allows one to view and control Kramer Audio and Video switchers. It is using their Protocol2000 specification via a serial port, from within Zope.
You may need to switch DIP selectors on your Kramer switchers to use Protocol2000. Newer switchers are configured to use Protocol2000 by default. Please refer to your product's documentation.
To use this software, first you need to install the PySerial software which you can find on http://sourceforge.net, then install the jaxml Python module which is downloadable from
http://www.librelogiciel.com/software/ then extract ZProtocol2000's tarball in Zope's Products directory then restart Zope. Add an instance of ZProtocol2000, fill in the form and you're done.
You also have to make sure that the user Zope is run as can open read and write to the serial port you plan to use. For recent Debian GNU/Linux distributions, put the zope user in the dialout
group and restart Zope.
This software was successfully tested with a Kramer VS-5X4 (five audio/video inputs to four audio/vdeo outputs) and a Kramer VS-601XLM (six audio/video inputs to one audio/video output), both used independantly. This software is also believed to be able to control several different switchers linked together in a serial daisy chain, to form a mega-siwtcher, but this hasn't been tested yet. Software configuration was Zope 2.6.1 with Python 2.1.3 on Debian GNU/Linux, and Mozilla 1.3 under GNU/Linux and MSWindows. As always, YMMV.
ZProtocol2000 1.0 keywords