WiFi Statistics Daemon 1.0a review

by rbytes.net on

wifistatd is a script which generates a PNG graphing signal/noise/link levels on a selected wireless interface

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 9K
Developer: Globalmediapro NZ
0 stars award from rbytes.net

wifistatd is a script which generates a PNG graphing signal/noise/link levels on a selected wireless interface.

To install wifistatd on a UNIX machine untar the archive with program.
Then you must type:

./wifistatd.pl install

If everything went OK (it should), you'll get the 'db.rrd' database file in your current working directory.

To configure daemon edit the head part of wifistatd.pl.

To start, just type:
./wifistatd.pl start

To stop, just type:
./wifistatd.pl stop

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