Anemon Dhcp Server 0.1a review
Anemon Dhcp Server's goal is to create an implementation of the DHCP protocol under GPL and a lot of stuff around to facilitate network management.
The python sqlobject modules gives anemon the ability to use many database as backend (mysql, postgresql, mssql, sqllite, sybase, etc..)
The project is subdivised (at the moment) in 4 components :
The Anemon Dhcp Server is a Python/SQL implementation of the DHCP server protocol
The Anemon Web Center is a web management interface to Anemon Dhcp Server and MyDNS
The Anemon Dhcp Client will be a Python implementation of the DHCP client protocol
The Anemon Dhcp relay will be a Python implementation of the DHCP relay protocol
Anemon Dhcp Server 0.1a keywords