Apache::ImageMagick 2.0b7 review
DownloadApache::ImageMagick is a Perl module that can convert and manipulate images on the fly. SYNOPSIS In httpd.conf or .htaccess
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Apache::ImageMagick is a Perl module that can convert and manipulate images on the fly.
In httpd.conf or .htaccess
< Location /images >
PerlFixupHandler Apache::ImageMagick
PerlSetVar AIMCacheDir /var/aimcache
< /Location >
Then request
This module uses the Image::Magick library to process an image on the fly. It is able to convert the source image to any type you request that is supported by Image::Magick (e.g. TIFF, PPM, PGM, PPB, GIF, JPEG and more). The requested fileformat is determinated by the fileextention of the request and Apache::ImageMagick will search for an image with the same basename and convert it automaticly (unless you set AIMDisableSearch).
Addtionaly you can specify (multiple) image manipulation filters in the additional path info, and format options in the query string. All filters applied in the order they apear in the path info. A list of available filters can be found at http://www.imagemagick.org/www/perl.html#mani . As of this writing there are 67 very powerfull filters available. The parameters you give in the URL are passed to all filters.
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