Apache::MP3::Sorted 4.00 review
DownloadApache::MP3::Sorted is a Perl module to generate sorted streamable directories of MP3 files. SYNOPSIS # httpd.conf or srm.conf
Apache::MP3::Sorted is a Perl module to generate sorted streamable directories of MP3 files.
# httpd.conf or srm.conf
AddType audio/mpeg mp3 MP3
# httpd.conf or access.conf
< Location /songs >
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::MP3::Sorted
PerlSetVar SortFields Album,Title,-Duration
PerlSetVar Fields Title,Artist,Album,Duration
< /Location >
Apache::MP3::Sorted subclasses Apache::MP3 to allow for sorting of MP3 listings by various criteria. See Apache::MP3 for details on installing and using.
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