AsmSrc 0.9.13 review

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AsmSrc decodes Linux executables and generates assembler source or a patch file. Library calls are detected along with symbols and

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 0K
Developer: Jeff Owens
0 stars award from

AsmSrc decodes Linux executables and generates assembler source or a patch file.

Library calls are detected along with symbols and other information found in ELF executable files. Generated source file is in nasm format.

AsmIDE programs only run on x86 Linux systems and do not need to be compiled first. Install as root by typing:

make install

If a compile is desired, simply type make. All this should work without problems if the following programs are available:

bash - or possibly sh needed by makefile
sed - stream editor (almost always available)
make - GNU make needed for install,compile
install - needed to copy programs
nasm - (optional), needed by compile
asmpub - (optional) used by AsmLib "make doc" option

The Makefile also has options for uninstall, documentation, and cleanup.

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