avrLab 0.18 review

by rbytes.net on

avrLab is an IDE (Integrated Devlopment Environment) for the AVR® family of microcontroller from Atmel® Currently it features an adva

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 0K
Developer: rman
0 stars award from rbytes.net

avrLab is an IDE (Integrated Devlopment Environment) for the AVR® family of microcontroller from Atmel® Currently it features an advanced editor with syntax highlighting for assembly language. tavrasm is supported as macro assembler and uisp is used for communication with the AVR®.

avrLab is far from beeing finished. I am trying to make this tool also useable for others but my time is very limited and my priority is to add features which I need mostly. But I will try to satisfy the needed of any user who requests some new functionality or reports a bug as much as my time allows me to do so.
In avrLab the following functionality was implemented:

editor with syntax highlighting
support for macro assembler
downloading of hex files to the AVR

TCL/TK is the scripting interpreter for which avrLab was written.
Tix, is a extension for TCL/TK

avrLab 0.18 keywords