Big Brother Bot 1.1.0 Beta3 review

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Big Brother Bot B3 is a complete and total server administration package for online games

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 0K
Developer: Big Brother Bot Team
0 stars award from

Big Brother Bot B3 is a complete and total server administration package for online games. B3 is designed primarily to keep your server free from the derelicts of online gaming, but offers more, much more.

With the stock configuration files, B3 will will keep your server free from offensive language, and team killers alike. A completely automated and customizable warning system will warn the offending players that this type of behavior is not allowed on your server, and ultimately kick, and or ban them for a predetermined time limit.

B3 was designed to be easily ported to other online games. Currently, B3 is in production for Call of Duty and Call of Duty: United Offensive. An Enemy Territory version is in development. Since these games are based on the Quake III Arena engine, conversion to any game using the engine should be easy.

Plugins provide much of the functionality for B3. These plugins can easily be configured. An SDK will be provided to make your own plugins. I can also make custom plugins for you for a fee.

The future of server adminning has arrived. Big Brother Bot is here to take charge of your server. Now its time to relax, enjoy some gaming, and not worry about the everyday adminning that used to keep you busy while everyone else was having fun. Install B3 today, and rest easy knowing your server is safe, friendly, and jerk free

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