Bio::AlignIO::msf 1.4 review
DownloadBio::AlignIO::msf is a Perl module with msf sequence input/output stream. SYNOPSIS Do not use this module directly
Bio::AlignIO::msf is a Perl module with msf sequence input/output stream.
Do not use this module directly. Use it via the Bio::AlignIO class.
This object can transform Bio::Align::AlignI objects to and from msf flat file databases.
The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
Title : next_aln
Usage : $aln = $stream->next_aln()
Function: returns the next alignment in the stream. Tries to read *all* MSF
It reads all non whitespace characters in the alignment
area. For MSFs with weird gaps (eg ~~~) map them by using
Returns : L< Bio::Align::AlignI > object
Args : NONE
Title : write_aln
Usage : $stream->write_aln(@aln)
Function: writes the $aln object into the stream in MSF format
Sequence type of the alignment is determined by the first sequence.
Returns : 1 for success and 0 for error
Args : L< Bio::Align::AlignI > object
Bio::AlignIO::msf 1.4 keywords