BKchem 0.12.0_01 review
DownloadBKchem is a free chemical drawing program
BKchem is a free chemical drawing program. BKchem was concieved and written by Beda Kosata.
BKchem is written in Python, an interpreted and very nice programming language.
Here are some key features of "BKchem":
bond-by-bond drawing
bond lenght and angle restrictions to assist with the drawing
ready to use templates of common rings
ability to expand common groups from abbreviated to structural form
radicals, charges...
rich text
color support
simple vector graphics (rectangles, circles, polygons etc.)
unlimited undo and redo capabilities
rotation (2D, 3D)
aligning of molecules so that particular bond is horizontal/vertical
rotation of molecular fragments around bonds (conformation changes)
definition of personal preferred drawing style (bond lenghts, widths, colors...)
full export to SVG (native data are transparently embedded into SVG file)
full export to OpenOffice Draw format
full export to Encapsulated PostScript
basic support for both CML1 and CML2
generation of SMILES
basic support for both CML1 and CML2
SMILES (subset)
INChI (subset)
Other features
localization support (currently English, French, Czech and Polish translations are available)
native format is XML based
validity checking of drawn structures
What's New in 0.11.6 Stable Release:
In this release, two major bugs were fixed: one in the German translation (causing a crash when a file was saved) and one in the OpenOffice export plugin.
A few other minor bugs were also fixed.
What's New in 0.12.0_01 Development Release:
This preview release features several functionality enhancements, such as a transparent background for PNG export, support for a real minus character instead of a hyphen, and many smaller changes.
It also brings fixes to several bugs.
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