Checkpoint Commander 5.7.1 review
DownloadCheckpoint Commander is a cross-platform file management, viewing, and archiving / security tool
Checkpoint Commander is a cross-platform file management, viewing, and archiving / security tool.
Checkpoint Commander project includes optional archive encryption using AES (AES-CBC-HMAC-SHA1).
Root privileges.
Basic linux system administration skills, including knowing how to make users, how to change what user you are (by using su - this command comes up a lot and you should review its man page if you're not familiar with its options) and how to do symlinks.
A Java2 runtime; the required version will be in the release notes for the product you are installing. At the time of writing Checkpoint itself requires version 1.4.2 or greater. We use the Sun implementation; there are others, including at least one Free version, but at the time of writing this isn't ready for production use.
The application distribution zip for linux, uncompressed into some directory (say ~yourself/tmp). Since you're reading this, I presume that you already have the zip.
A workstation with a GUI that is compatible with Java's AWT / Swing - typically X plus a suitable window manager. We use IceWM or KDE, but most window managers should work OK. If you want to install Checkpoint onto a "headless" host that does not have a GUI installed (such as a rack-mounted production server), there's a separate procedure for that, but you'll need a "headful" linux workstation as well.
A web browser that can handle HTML4.0 and CSS1.
As the Checkpoint user (not root), from an xterm or similar (i.e. X must be running) change to the directory where you unzipped the distribution zip and run If you unzipped the distribution zip in ~yourself/tmp, then the code (where '>' represents the shell prompt) would be:
> cd ~yourself/tmp
> source
NB. X access control is subtle and quick to anger. Many X configurations will not allow su sessions to launch graphical apps out-of-the-box. To get round this, you need to either start X as the user you need to work as (eg. the Checkpoint user for this step), or modify X's permissions.
A simple way to do this is to use the command xhost +localhost as the user you started X as. This seems to work but may have security consequences; your mileage may vary. Further delving into X access-control is beyond the scope of this document.
If you're using KDE, an alternative tactic is to execute
> kdesu -u konsole
As the user who started X (ie. you). The given above is whichever user you want to do X stuff as, who isn't you; in most cases, including this one, this will be the Checkpoint User. Simply doing su in a Konsole may or may not work.
If you're installing in Server configuration, and are only installing CPC, you will need to run browserset (located in /opt/cpoint/bin) as the Checkpoint user, before trying to run CPC as yourself.
What's New in This Release:
Usability cleanups were done.
The audio player now supports M3U files (with some limitations).
Improvements to the text editor include undo/redo, find/replace, and save as features.
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