DBIx::Wrapper::Config 0.01 review

by rbytes.net on

DBIx::Wrapper::Config Perl module allows the use of a configuration file in XML specifying information required to connect to databas

License: Perl Artistic License
File size: 3K
Developer: Don Owens
0 stars award from rbytes.net

DBIx::Wrapper::Config Perl module allows the use of a configuration file in XML specifying information required to connect to databases using DBIx::Wrapper.

This way, your database connection specifications can be kept in one place.

Each "db" element specifies a key/name for the database connection, which should be passed as the $db_key argument to connect() in order to connect to that database.

The "db" element's children specify the dsn, authentication, and attribute information. dbi:mysql:database=test_db;host=example.com;port=3306 test_user test_pwd test_user test_pwd connect($db_key, $conf_path, %dbix_wrapper_attrs) Return a DBIx::Wrapper object connected to the database specified by $db_key in the file at $conf_path.

%dbix_wrapper_attrs is the optional 5th argument to DBIx::Wrapper's connect() method, specifying handlers, etc. The file specified by $conf_path should be in the format specified in the DESCRIPTION section of this document.


perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install

DBIx::Wrapper::Config 0.01 keywords