DBToy 0.6 review
DownloadDBToy is a fuse-based filesystem for linux
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DBToy is a fuse-based filesystem for linux. DBToy that lets you browse the contents of a relational database through a set of directories and xml files.
You will see a directory for every schema in your db, each containing a directory for every table. In the "table" dirs there are a couple of files with the table's definition and data.
You will find instruction on how to compile and use the module and the daemon in the readme file contained in the source distribution.
Playing with dbtoyfs
1) Make sure your rdbms server is running and reachable from your linux box, modprobe fuse kernel module.
2) run "dbtoy -u username -p password mountpoint" (dbtoy with no args shows help)
3) walk through you filesystem.
Each schema has its directory, containing one subdirectory for each table. Inside the dirs there is one file with the description of the datatypes and another with the data.
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You can "cat mountpoint/schemaN/tableM/types" to see a description of the table, or look at the data. At the moment XML is the only output format.
If you feel lucky can play with the EXPERIMENTAL query file feature: "cat data?col=val" where 'col' is a valid column name and 'val' is a feasible value for col (and string must be quoted!)
Filesystem in Userspace
What's New in This Release:
An option to insert custom code in dbtoy files was added.
A new tutorial demontrates its use for generating HTML reports and SQL statements.
DBToy 0.6 keywords