DORM4J 0.1 review

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DORM4J (Dynamic Object-Relational Mapping for Java) is an O/R mapping library for Java. DORM4J library uses annotations in JDK 1.5

License: LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License)
File size: 0K
Developer: indexchen
0 stars award from

DORM4J (Dynamic Object-Relational Mapping for Java) is an O/R mapping library for Java.

DORM4J library uses annotations in JDK 1.5 and dynamic features of the Java language to implement O/R mapping functions without additional XML config files.

The development of DORM4J was inspired from the research of O/R mapping tool in Rails. O/R mapping tool of Rails is very simple and easy to use.

But it is coded by Ruby, So DORM4J was written with java language to make object-relational mapping simplicity.

DORM4J doesn't use xml config files to represent the relationship between object and table . Instead, it uses annotations to do it.

Further more, DORM4J doesn't define fields to mapping columns of table in class file. The field and it's value are assigned at runtime.

Java Environment

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