DSS-Live 0.1 review
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DSS also know as Debased Scripts Set project is dedicated to providing you with a "System Development Environment" to create your own DEbian BASED Live Linux System.
Normally you're stuck with the type and amount of applications the creator decided to include, now you can customize the system to fit your needs, by generating on-the-fly compressed modules (layers) including additional software .
The idea is to don't "debase" the Default Debian System, for this pourpose has been designed the USS (The Upstream Salmon Struct).
In this way you'll have a knoppix like HW autodetection and autoconfiguration flavor without affecting the standard system.
DSS can be used to:
create your own live distribution
put together a demo disk to show off the power of our favourite OS
build a portable system to install on external USB/FIREWIRE HD and boot it up.
backup you system and run it from a CD/DVD
build a morphix base module
DSS-Live 0.1 keywords