EveryChat 3.61 review
DownloadEveryChat is a very simple chat script designed to work on ANY server with Perl correctly installed
EveryChat is a very simple chat script designed to work on ANY server with Perl correctly
installed. It allows a multi-user chat to take place with no maintenance. With both
a frames and non frames mode using the SAME script, it can be used under ANY browser, even lynx. The whole script is under 5 kilobytes and lightning fast!
The script was built and tested using Perl for Win32 version 5, but the script should work
on Linux/Unix too.
The reason it is so fast and so light on the server is that the message file is a simple HTML file. When users are in frames mode, the script is not called each time the messages reload. The only time scripts are used is when a new message is posted.
This script is made to be easy to use. When other scripts were tested, many new users had
trouble using advanced and unnecessary features like complicated multi-room selection and
private messages. Because of that, all messages are public. No pictures, java, active-x, or other scripting languages are used that only slow down the client. For ease of use, users do not have to log off after chatting. There is no user list, because without the use of java, it is hard to keep one updated. If you want such features, I suggest you look at other scripts or commission me to build you one. (Yes, it WILL cost you money!)
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